I moved from Firefox-esr 114 or something to latest 128 or something on FreeBSD 14.2-BETA3 on Raspberry Pi 400 aaaaaaaaaand it still sucks! Keeps crashing and crashing...
@dexter@bsd.network Don’t know. I tested on a VM on my QNAP NAS but has always been the same on any Virt tool. Seems loads a lot of things before it starts.
Hi @solene@bsd.network I was checking very quickly the Qubes OS site and I have a question. How you manage to handle many VMs with 16 GB RAM? (I see 16 is the recommended RAM on the requirements page) Does it work like VirtualBox, that you start using server's RAM or Xen distributes RAM in a different way? Thanks!
Yes, cause is more focused on the Desktop, OpenBSD is great but seems to be more oriented to the server. I have an old laptop with OpenBSD as a Desktop but I don't use it much. I don't know if right now it can match FreeBSD for the Desktop. My laptop needs 802.11ac which neither has yet. And I have a MacBook Air too.